In the year 2000 Rev. Dadaji's 80th Birthday was celebrated at Bharuch, Gujrat as Ashiti Vandana. Although, the functions were celebrated at different places with novel expressions, but at every occasion one aspect that of, Swadhyayees meeting hut to hut and heart to heart by visiting thousands of villages and various places with the understanding of Divine Brotherhood under the Fatherhood of God remained the same.
The world has been amazed and started gazing with hope towards this unique way of life as shown by Rev. Dadaji. Awards and appreciations started flowing towards Rev.Dadaji. The awards, local as well as international reflect universality of Rev. Dadaji's vision.
The year 2001, the year of Platinum Jubilee of Pathshala is being celebrated as 'Sudha Varsh' reflecting the eternal zest of Pathshala. The lacs of Swadhyayees with the sense of gratitude towards Pathshala, mirrored the same dynamism as that of Pathshala in their celebrations.