Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Pathshala was founded on the Vijaya Dashami of 1926. It had progressed determinately during last twenty five years overcoming the early difficulties. It depended only on divine help. It removed despondency and dependence from the lives of men and inspired and enthused them. The Pathshala was entering into youth.
An organization run by a trust thinks of a jubilee building or some such thing and plans the next golden jubilee. This Pathshala was however an institute which taught the lessons for building up new lives, wanted to express it's gratitude through activity which would inspire. In this way it was the most unusual and unique celebration.
A play 'Nachiketa' was staged on this occasion. Some Swadhyayees proposed that donation should be invited for establishing a permanent fund to run the Pathshala. They approach the founder of the Pathshala Rev. Vaijnathji and pressed their proposal. When Rev. Dadaji came to know this, he told his father 'why not leave one such institute to be run on the will of God alone, and Rev. Vaijnathji readily accepted Rev. Dadaji's proposal .